Friday, May 7, 2010

My Beauty Survey With Make Up Artist: Janet' =)

1. How old were you when you fell in love with make up?

2. What are your favorite make up Brands?
Mac, Revlon, Urban Decay, Coastal Scence, Stilia, Benefit

3. What are your all time,Never fail,Top five beauty products that you cannot live without?
Eyeshadow PrimerChapstick/lipgloss
False lashes

4. What is your most inexpensive or homemade beauty tip or product?
NYX jumbo eyshadow pencil-1.50$
Its a great base!!!

5. If you could only use one item for the rest of your life, Which product would you chose?

6. What beauty items are in your purse?
Lipgloss, foundation

7. Any make up tips?
i would go to youtube and just search for makeup videos. thats how i learned. Youtube is so helpful

8. If you only had $100 to spend on products,What would you buy?
All NYX products. They are so cheap and such great quality!!
or buy Coastal Scene pallets. You get 80+ shadows per palette

9.What was your biggest beauty blunder?
Sometimes i forget to use my face primer or wash my face before i apply my makeup =X

10. What is one beauty tip that you only share with close friends?
Primer is always Key...Shadow and face primer will make your makeup last FOREVER!!

11. Favorite in a quick-pinch-home beauty remedy?
If you only have 5 mins- foundation,blush and liner are your best friends!

12.What do you think is the biggest beauty blunder most woman are guilty of comitting?
ALWAYS pluck those one likes bushy beavers!

12. What look has been your favorite so far?
Smokey looks. I'm obsessed with them..daytime or night always works!

13. Who is your favorite make up artist/Inspiration?
Kandee Johnson..check her out on youtube she is AMAZING!!

14. Who would you like do a make up creation on,Any celeb..?
Hmm maybe Angelina Jolie...i wanna see if i can do any fun looks on her lips...i mean that is a HUGE canvas!!

15.What does your beauty routine consist of?
I will wash my face, put on moisturizer, then face primer.
Foundation, powder and blush, shadow primer and base. then comes the shadow, liner, mascara and then i do my brows and add my facial highligher and im done!

16.What is the craziest thing you have done for beauty?
when i was young i actually shaved my brows. I thought it would make my face look better... WRONG!!!!

17.Have you ever concidered doing youtube videos?
Yup all the time

18.What was your first costume make up look?
Masquerage Mask

19.If you could pick any make up artists brain for the day who would you choose?
DEF Kandee Johnson, seriously she is AMAZING!!!
She does everything from glam makeup to Special Effects makeup she is a genius!

20. What is next for you?
Well i am going to be going to Cos school and eventually run my own Hair and makeup salon!!!!
Thank you so much Janet' for taking the time to do this survey!!

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