Monday, April 12, 2010

Some Good Causes

I have found some really good websites, That sparked my interest. All in thanks to "Seventeen Magazine" One is about tanning beds, I was never a fan of them, I have gone a few time's in my life, But had always had problems..My freckles would raise and hurt. So I did some research, Called my dematologist, Made the appointment... Turn's out it was a allergic reaction. I never went back, So I vowed to fake bake!! I really like Jergen's self tanning lotion, Never turned orange either, So that is a plus. I am not saying don't go to the tanner, It is your choice, I am simply telling my experiance. But anyways, Please check out this website and order a "Faux and Fab" tee shirt!! A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Skin Cancer Foundation.
Always remember when going to the beach or just hanging outside with your friends, To always use SPF sunscreen. Any brand will do, Plus big hats are in wear one with a cute sun dress :)
Also check out I pledge to not lie inside a tanning bed.
This website is amazing, There are so many wonderful cause's everywhere!!
You can also donate your jeans to teens in need.
You can drop off your old jeans at a Aeropostale store near you!!
Let me know what cause caught your eye!!

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